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M.Sc, Ph.D.

Dr. Binku Dutta

Assistant Professor

Dr Dutta had worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Zoology, Brahmaputra College, Guwahati, Assam.


Before that he also worked as Lecturer in the Department of Zoology, Sonari College, Assam and as Lecturer at Elite Academy, Sonari, Assam. He had completed his PhD from Assam University Silchar from the Department of Life Sciences and Bioinformatics in 2016. Beside that Dr Dutta has 12 numbers  International and National publications and also has 2 book chapters publications.

He also presented 14 numbers of research papers in National and International seminars and conferences. Dr Dutta worked as Resource Person in capacity building programme on “Scientific Fish Farming” held in Lahowal College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India in collaboration with CIFE, ICAR-Mumbai, in organized by JEEVA-SURAKSHA an NGO for conservation of biodiversity in entire North East India with the financial assistance from Mising Autonomous Council, Assam. Dr Dutta also acted as Coordinator in International Conference on New Frontiers in Engineering, Science, Law, Management, Humanities and Social Science 2019 (INFES 2019), held at Gauhati University dated 23rd and 24th February 2019. Besides all, Dr Dutta also took charge as Coordinator of School of Health and Allied Science and also acted as Controller of Examination (Incharge) in between his tenure period.


  • PhD (Life Science)
  • M.Sc (Life Sciences, Zoology)
  • B.Sc (Zoology)



  1. Dutta, B. and Kar, D. (2013). Study on Fish Diversity and Physico-Chemical Parameters in Toukak River at Shivasagar District in Assam and Nagaland. Research Frontiers in Wetlands, Fishery and Aquaculture.Dominant publication, New Delhi, India.175-182.
  2. Dutta, B., Boruah, L.,Boruah, P. and Kar, D. (2013). Study of the potential habitat parameters for the fishes of the Towkak River in Assam and Nagaland. Biodiversity: Conservation, Crisis, and Sustainable Use, Print World Print and Publication, Jorhat, Assam, India.52-57.


  1. Dutta, B., Biswas, S. P. and Kar, D. (2013), Hydrobiological Parameters of Ponds of NR Hatchery at Lahowalat Dibrugarh in Assam,Environment and Ecology.31(2B): 844-846. Naas rating 2.1.
  2. Das, B. K., Dutta, B., Singh, Ng. R. and Kar, D. (2013), Length- Weight Relationship of Labeo calbasu(Hamilton-Buchanan) from SoneBeel, the biggest Wetland of Assam, India. Paripex- Indian Journal of Research.2(10): 11-13.  Impact Factor: 0.3208.
  3. Das, B. K., Singh, Ng. R., Dutta, B. and Kar, D. (2014) Length- Weight Relationship of Labeorohita(Hamilton-Buchanan) and Labeogonius  (Hamilton-Buchanan) from SoneBeel, the biggest Wetland of Assam, India.Journal of Environmental Research and Development (JERAD) 8(3A): 587-593. Impact Factor: 0.607.
  4. Das, B. K., Dutta, B., Kar, S., Boruah P. and Kar, D. (2013).Ichthyofauna of Subansiri River in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, India.International Journal of Current Research. 5(11): 3314-3317.Impact Factor: 1.125.
  5. Dutta, B., Baruah, P. and Kar, D. ( 2013). Estimation of Fish Abundance in the Towkak River in Assam and Nagaland based on the Habitat Parameters. Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) 3(12): 34-36.Impact Factor: 0.862.
  6. Dutta, B., Bailung, B., Das, B. K., Kar. D. and Biswas S. P. (2014)Icthyofaunal diversity in the Wetlands (Beels) of Charaideo subdivision, Sivasagar District, Assam and their Health and Management.Environment and Ecology.32(1A): 363-367.Naas rating 4.09.
  7. Dutta, B.,Baruah, P. and Kar, D. (2015). Fishes of the Towkak River: With special emphasis on the habitat requirements.International Journal in Management and Social Science. (IJMS); 03(03): 38-44. Impact Factor: 3.25.
  8. Narzary, A., Das, S., Das, B. K., Singh, Ng. R., Kar, S., Das, P., Dutta, B. and Kar, D. (2015).A preliminary study on zooplankton diversity of RamnagarAnua, SrikonaBeel and TapangHaor of Cachar district, Assam, India: A Project Report.Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences. (JCBPS); 5(3): 2809-2817.
  9. Nath, M., Singh, Ng.R.,Das, B. K.,Dutta, B., Das, U., Das, P.,Kar, S. and Kar, D. (2015). A Preliminary Study on Fish Diversity of Kakri and Deo River around Dharmanagar in Tripura.International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences.7(2): 6-13.
  10. Sonowal, M., Kar, S., Das, B. K., Das, S., Singh, NG. R., Das, P., Dutta, B. and KAR, D. (2015).Preliminary Studies on Zooplankton Diversity of Certain Wetlands of Southern Assam.Life Sciences Leaflets.67: 68-78.
  11. Dutta, B., Das, N. and Kar, D. (2016). The Fish Catching Devices with their Efficacy and Cost-benefit Analysis in the Towkak River in Assam and Nagaland, India.Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal; 07(01):1000156.
    12. Dutta, B., and Baruah, P. (2016). Fishes habitat management and conservation in the Towkak River in Assam and Nagaland, India.Sonari College Academic and Research Journal ; 05: 71-77
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