APU School of Law & Juridical Sciences has been established to cater to the needs of young students desirous of pursuing legal education. If you are smart, presentable and not scared to voice your opinion, Law is definitely a career you should consider! The school organizes conferences, visits by nationally acclaimed law practitioners to allow the students to gain skills and experience in the field of law.
APU Law degree addresses this need by providing our students with an educational experience that equips you with a distinctive set of skills far beyond what is offered by most traditional Law Schools. Our students are groomed for bright professional careers by providing a wide range of exposure to theoretical as well as practical aspects of law. Students get real-time experiences through moot court competitions and internships.
APU stands out as one of the best forensic science colleges in Arunachal Pradesh. We offer brilliant opportunities for students who want to establish a career in forensic science.
APU prepares students for leadership roles – in academia, the judiciary, business and corporate practice, public service, human rights advocacy, and other legal and non-legal fields.
Why study law?
A Law Degree from the APU provides an excellent platform to launch a legal career. But it involves much more than that. The study of law is also the study of a social science.
Law is the endeavour of human beings to govern our personal, social, economic and political relationships through the use of rules. To study law is to study the nature of those relationships.
To know whether or not the LLB is for you, ask yourself these questions:
Are you interested in any of the following?
Government, politics, business, finance, property, international relations, war, international trade, families, reproduction, healthcare, media, environment, human rights, crime, punishment, war crimes …
The list could go on and on. Almost every aspect of society is subject to law. An interest in what people do with and to each other is a great advantage for the successful study of law.
Are you interested in making rigorous arguments and counter-arguments?
The legal judgments and academic commentaries you will have to read are mostly made up of arguments. Arguments about what the law is; arguments about how it should be applied; arguments about what the law ought to be; arguments about why the law is as it is; arguments about these arguments!
Making compelling logical arguments and counter-arguments is central to the study of law.
Do you have an appetite and capacity for reading?
Like the practice of law, the undergraduate study of law requires a willingness to read … and read … and then to read some more. Not only does it require a willingness to read and absorb large amounts of text but also, when necessary, to be able to read particular passages very carefully and to think in detail about the possible meanings and ambiguities in them.
If your answer to these questions is yes, then Law Degree may be for you.
100% placement assistance in leading law firms, corporate houses, NGOs, and can also make their career as a Professor / Judge / Law Officers in academics, judicial services & public offices respectively. After completing Law programme, graduates of the program are able to:
Learning Environment : APU provides a modern gurukul environment for the holistic growth of students, under the able guidance of experienced and dedicated teachers.
Inner Growth: At APU, you connect each discipline with your own innermost self. This direct experience makes learning much more relevant for better comprehension and application in real life.
Healthy Lifestyle: At APU, you’ll learn highly effective tools including meditation, yoga asanas, ayurveda and more — to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Learning more without Stress : At APU you’re never juggling 4-5 classes, and finals at once. Instead, you’re fully immersed in only one subject each month.
Re-Search Culture: You’ll meet students and professors who share your curiosity, and they are your companions on a quest to discover new truths and invent new possibilities.
Career Service: APU has a Careers Service to facilitate your transition from education to employment and give you guidance on employment opportunities and help in developing your CV.
“Who you are is more important than what you know.”
Acharya Dhanwant Singh, Founder & Chancellor APU
“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”
With Gurukul based education, you study traditional subjects while also experiencing inner growth and developing your creativity. Your awareness expands, improving your ability to absorb knowledge and see the big picture.
You discover the underlying reality in yourself and connect the knowledge in a meaningful way to your own life. Through this approach, you naturally become more capable of creating positive change in yourself and the world.
You’ll learn the Meditation technique which enhances your personal inner growth and helps build a strong basis for success and fulfillment in all areas of life. Meditation is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle.
You’ll study yoga asanas in theory and through your own experience, experiencing the deep relaxation, stress release, and expansion associated with daily yoga practice.
You’ll learn what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat to maintain or restore balance to the state of health. These methods enliven the inner intelligence of the body and strengthen its natural healing ability.
“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. ” — Rabindranath Tagore.
The Legal Aid Clinic has been set up in collaboration with the AP State Legal Service Authority in order to give effect to the policy and directions of the National Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 and the National Legal Services Authority (Legal Aid Clinics) Scheme, 2010, The School of Law, Apex Professional University is establishing Students Legal Aid Clinic to provide free legal aid to the poor, needy persons and the members of the weaker sections of the society. The Clinic would conduct legal awareness programs among people particularly illiterates and economically weaker sections of the community, living in remote backward areas near the Law School and will create awareness about their legal rights and duties and to make them aware of the availability of various social welfare activities sponsored by the State and Central Government.
The Legal Aid Clinic of APU Law College, Pasighat will be active in three directions and make these three cell:
Right to Information Cell
Corruption was increasing in our country rapidly. People were not aware of the ways in which the public funds were being utilized. Thus, it was necessary to aware people about their right to information which helps them to gain information from the central or state government.
Legal Awareness Cell
People are still not aware of their basic rights due to which the legal aid movement has not achieved its goal yet. It is the absence of legal awareness which leads to exploitation and deprivation of rights and benefits of the poor.
Women Empowerment Cell
There are many challenges that are currently plaguing the issues of women’s rights in India. A lot of issues are redundant and quite basic which have been faced across the country; they are contributory causes to the overarching status of women in India.
At APU, deserving students can avail scholarships worth over Rs. 2 Lacs. See if you’re eligible.
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